What is Ukrainian Tax ID and how to get it.

Individual taxpayer identification number by Ukrainian law is a document which is issued by Ukraine fiscal service to an individual. Any person, regardless the citizenship has the right to obtain Ukraine tax ID number. In Ukraine people usually get the ID code by 16 years. 

What identification number is needed for?

This document is needed during transactions with any kind of property or asset. For example, if you are going to sell a house or to open a bank account or to get a loan be sure it will be needed. Usually, a notary or a person that certifies the contract requires an identification code. The tax number is also required for employment in Ukraine or when establishing a company. 
That is, if you come to Ukraine for work, business or social activity, first of all you will need to translate your passport and to get a taxpayer identification number. 
But the legislation of Ukraine gives the right not to obtain a code to persons who refuse to have it because of their religious beliefs. 

How to get a code?

In order to obtain the identification number, the citizen submits to the tax authority an application and a copy of the passport. The passport of a foreign citizen must be translated into Ukrainian. The signature of an interpreter must be notarized.
Consider that code can be obtained only in the tax in the regional center or in the city of Kiev. Local or district fiscal services have the right to issue the code only to citizens of Ukraine. The code must be issued within five working days from the application date.
When the number is received, the data on the person are entered in the unified state register of individuals of taxpayers.

In case of loss or destruction of ID card it can be easily restored. At the same time, obtaining of a code does not create any duties for the person.

Ukraine Tax ID number


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